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Friday, November 7, 2008

Michael Joseph Jackson

I have long considered Michael Jackson jokes to be lazy attempts at comedy. Kind of like making fun of retarded people.

Anyway, yes, he's a freak, everyone needs to get over it. He also needs to go ahead and stop trying to be famous because thats just making it worse for him.

The thing about Michael Jackson that people tend to overlook is that HES BEEN FAMOUS HIS WHOLE FUCKING LIFE. He most likely has few, if any, memories of not being famous. Now I dont know if anyone has noticed, but fame fucks up peoples brains. Look at Tom Cruise. Or anyone else for that matter. Add to that the level of fame MJ had. Add to that child abuse and Jehovah's Witness upbringing (Michael isnt the only Jackson that is bonkers). It all equals having no idea of what reality is. Another thing that people overlook is how much Michael Jackson had dedicated to making the world a better, happier, more peaceful place. He also was very interested in pushing the medium of the music video in amazingly creative directions. Think about that for a sec. How long has it been since we've seen a pop star who's had that much imagination?

So like I said, yeah he's crazy, but get over it. Although I still cant stick up for the likely inappropriate behavior with children. He's on his own on that one. As Dave Chappelle said, "But He made Thriller, man."

Anyway here are my favorite MJ songs:

1. Baby Be Mine - Track 2 - Thriller

2. P.Y.T. - Track 8 - Thriller

3. Rock With You - Track 2 - Off the Wall

4. Another Part of Me - Track 6 - Bad

5. Tie: Remember the Time/Give in to Me - Track 5/ Track 10 - Dangerous

6. Dirty Diana - Track 9 - Bad

7. Get on the Floor - Track 4 - Off the Wall

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